Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hong Kong Chinese Sausage rice 港式腊味饭 - 1 pot rice cooker recipe

Hong Kong Chinese Sausage rice 港式腊味饭
Servings: 1pax

  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 1 cup water (depends on rice, some rice like basmati require more water. Typical rice is 1:1 ratio)
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil (1 1/2 - 2 tablespoon if require to keep warm for long time)
  • 100g chinese sausage, diced
  • 25g green peas
  • 1 teaspoon kombu granules (salt for replacement)
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce (optional) 
  1. Wash rice, soak 10-15mins
  2. add all ingredients & water into rice cooker. set rice setting, cook for 20mins like normal rice,
  3. When cooked, stir and keep warm for 10-15mins before serve. 
  4. Add extra 1 tablespoon sesame oil if require to keep warm for long time to avoid dry harden rice texture.  

  • due to limited ingredients during lockdown, used 25g chinese sausage & 75g garden peas.it still taste good.
  • if you're busy, u can cook at night, keep warm with AI rice cooker and just pack it  in the morning. put extra 1 table spoon sesame oil to avoid the rice from being dehydrated. 

**Recipe may improvised to 2 serving with whatever ingredients available & depends on our preferences.
**Refer credits for original recipes.

Credits :


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